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Guide To Bird Control Techniques & Prevention

Posted on by jdroach

Preventing birds and their droppings from landing on your property can be a difficult task without professional assistance. Consulting a bird control specialist will give you insight on which products are effective for the type of bird on your property. Utilize your resources to eradicate the birds on your property.

Find a company that offers free evaluations & estimates for bird control services. You can also learn more about the specific use of each bird control product by visiting our Services page.

As you learn about bird control products, you’ll understand how they protect a structure and its inhabitants when professionally installed. The common issues that nuisance birds cause are:

Property Damage: If birds are on your property, expect droppings to be everywhere. Cars, wall sidings, drive ways, patio, etc. The droppings are highly acidic and can eat through paint and fabrics and stain walls. The longer the bird waste is left on the surface, the more damage it will create.

Health Hazard: Bird droppings carry diseases that are transmissible to humans and pets. The droppings become a brittle when they dry up and turn to dust which can be spread through ventilation systems. If the air is contaminated with bird feces, a person can become sick through air-borne disease.

Clogged Drains: Nesting materials can clog drains and gutters which can potentially cause flooding water damage to structures.

Slippery Surface: Multiple bird droppings in a concentrated area can create a slippery surface. Prevent people from slipping or falling with nuisance birds off your property.

Use our website as a resource to all information you need about bird control. And use our experience in bird control services to keep birds away and to put an end to the problems nuisance birds create!

Contact Pro Pacific Bird Control for a free inspection & estimate for your bird control solution!

Posted in Bird Control, Bird Control Products, Bird Control Service, Bird Removal, Pigeon Control. ||


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